Last July 2 we stop rolling the immersive documentary of the World Pride 2017, all filmed with cameras 360. And now that we are in postproduction, it´s time to throw the sight behind and revise those intense days.

The truth is that, when we decide to do this documentary, we think that it would be a simple filming; hardly five ó six days in a few locations of Madrid but when we finish, we were so tired that we had the sensation of having recorded National Geographic’s report. Tired, but especially satisfied with the made work, that very soon you will be able to watch.

Everything began a couple of months before. Revising diverse documentaries of the Pride we realized that the virtual reality and the video 360 will be able to have a great opportunity on this event. It was time to apply this technology to break social barriers and to allow all people to live this experience of being part at the pride as if it had been in the same Puerta del Sol.

Because of it, we had two clear goals: develop an immersive documentary that will allow to every people who cannot take part in it, celebrate the Pride and show how the city received, for 9 days, this international appointment.

With our Samsung Gear VR we crossed all the scenes, acts, conferences and manifestations that formed part of the programming.

In a few weeks, you will be able to see the final work with your smartphones in YouTube and Facebook and, also, with VR glasses. But before, we want to share with you some photos of these days.

Besides, we want to give thanks to the organization of the World Pride 2017 for the whole  collaboration given. Also to AEGAL, to the Town hall of Madrid and to the Magazine Shangay. Thank you for facilitating our work!